The Goal: Support 25 Women by July 31st

By July 31st, you can directly support a woman in our program. By sponsoring a “Get a Job” kit and personalized job coaching, you are paving a pathway to career employment. Can we count on you?

The “Get a Job” kit will provide structure, consistency and tangible offerings to each woman as they embark on their job search. It provides tools to use through every phase – preparing for the job search, securing the position and excelling in the workplace after.

We are introducing the “Get a Job” kit into our career services offerings, as well as, personalized 1-on-1 job coaching for each woman in our program.

The service will be an essential bridge of support as women graduate from our program and move into their next job. With the toolkit as a companion, women will have the confidence to succeed and achieve long-term employment.

We need YOU to unlock the power of this service. Choose your level of impact today!

Level 1: Sponsor Job Coach Training, Guide Book & a “Get a Job” Kit

This level of sponsorship is the greatest impact you can have on a woman’s future employment. This sponsorship provides the job coach training (15 hours), a training guide and the “Get a Job” Kit. This combination will create essential pathways to success for one woman in our program. You can see the kit and training guide below!

Level 2: Sponsor Job Coach Training

In enhancing our career services, we are on boarding volunteer job coaches who will facilitate the “Get a Job” kit with every woman that comes into our program. The volunteers will take part in a structure training so they can successfully walk every woman in our program through the job search.

Level 3: Sponsor a “Get a Job” Kit

The “Get a Job” kit provides an abundant of essential tools for job searching. The tools offered for each phase are as follows:

Phase 1: Preparing for the Search

  • Get a Job Planner – set goals and identify your network
  • Master Application – compile information for your application
  • Resume & Cover Letter Workshop
  • 30-Second Me – how to craft a personal statement

Phase 2: Securing the Position

  • Online Job Search Brochure
  • Job Log
  • Pocket Guide to Confident Interviewing
  • Interview Scheduler Notepad
  • Dressing for Success Guide
  • Thank You Notes & Envelopes

Phase 3: Excelling in the Workplace

  • Practice strategies for Success
  • Manage Conflict in the Workplace
  • Accept Constructive Criticism
  • Navigate the First Year on the Job
  • Cope with Change