The Impact

Impact of Our Program

Our program offers wrap-around support to the women we hire. While women are in the program for 6-to-9 months, they receive on-the-job training as a production assistant in our food manufacturing business, career services, classroom work that focuses on a life skills and individualized case management. The impact of our program varies woman to woman. However, every woman that graduates our program moves into a career entry-level job that continues to stabilize her and her family’s life. Here is a brief numeric snapshot of our program: 

  • Over 1,000: The number of women we have served since 1989.  
  • 95: Percent of women who are employed one year after graduating from the program. This is based on the responses of women from a 12-month follow-up. 
  • 62: The average number of women we hire each year. In 2017, we shifted from hiring one cohort each year to hiring five cohorts of women every year.  
  • 60+: Number of hours each woman spends in our core curriculum of five classes: Financial Literacy, Computer Literacy, GED Coursework, Dress for Success and Group Therapeutic Workshops. Women also attend numerous additional programming courses you can read about in our program overview.
  • 50+: Number of hours each woman receives in career services training, working with 1-on-1 with a job search coach and attending computer lab and other workshops.
  • Weekly case management and job coaching.  

Impact on Our Community

Women’s Bean Project offers a viable way to address chronic unemployment, recidivism, welfare dependency, and a host of other challenges. Our social enterprise model and transitional employment program ushers women with significant barriers into the economic mainstream. 

When people work, we leverage all the talent available to our country. Families and communities are stronger—and so is our society. That’s why a job is so much more than a paycheck.  


Learn more about our program.