I am Women’s Bean Project: Linda

Hello, I am Linda. I first became involved with the Women’s Bean Project in August 2018. I owned my own barbershop for the last 25 years until I got lost in debt. I also got lost in drugs and got in some trouble. I am now a recovering addict. I put myself in rehab and began Women’s Bean Project because I was ready for a change. Being here has taught me I can still make something out of my life at a time when I didn’t think I could. With the support from everyone that works here, the Women’s Bean Project has given me hope for a better future. It has made a huge difference to know that people care. Working here makes me want to get up and come to work every morning. I now have my self-esteem back. My goals after this program are to find a good paying job and stay clean for a better future. Without the Women’s Bean Project, I don’t think I’d be where I am today.

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  • Kimberly says:

    Hi Linda! I was gifted with my first box of Women’s Bean Project items and have just baked cornbread prepared by YOU. I read your story and am blown away by your strength. Thank you for taking a chance and doing this work, and thank you for making a difference in the world!