Remembering Jossy: An Inspiration And Her Legacy

One afternoon in 2005, about two years into my tenure at the Bean Project, my phone rang and on the other end of the line was Jossy Eyre. It was my first opportunity to speak with her; she hadn’t been involved with the Bean Project since her departure in 1996. She said, “I hear you’re doing good things over there and I’d like to come for a visit and meet you.” That visit was the beginning of my relationship with Jossy as well as her re-entry into the Women’s Bean Project fold.  

Jossy Eyre, Founder

After Jossy’s husband passed away and she was cleaning out her lovely home, she gathered boxes of memorabilia she’d collected from her time at the Bean Project and delivered them to us. Inside was our archival history, with newspaper articles, photos with Mayor Wellington Webb and Bonnie Raitt, along with dozens and dozens of women. It’s clear from looking at these records that from the beginning the Bean Project captured people’s imagination. At the time social enterprise didn’t really have a name and the idea of combining a business with a human services organization was novel. As a result, Women’s Bean Project received notoriety locally, but also outside of Denver. The files contain a story from the early ‘90’s in the Chicago Sun-Times about the Bean Project. 

Jossy with Bonnie Raitt


Generations of Community Built Around the Mission 

Jossy started the Bean Project with the help of the community. Through the years dozens of people in the community have shared their stories with me of purchasing the products, volunteering through their church and even hosting program participants experiencing homelessness at their own homes. Denver City Councilwoman Amanda Sandoval and her sister Kendra have shared with me their memories of going to the Bean Project as children to volunteer, then having program participants come home with them. Kendra recalls being mesmerized by one woman who, after dinner one evening, sat at their piano and played beautifully. This strong tradition of community volunteers has continued to the present. Each year about 350 volunteers help the Bean Project in a wide variety of ways.  

Mayor Webb at the Bean
Mayor Webb at the Bean

An Inspiration to Those She Touched 

Sometimes Jossy would visit and make recommendations, like, “You really should get these hardwood floors refinished.” Other times, she came to recruit the program participants to attend weekend spiritual retreats with the Sisters of Loretto, part of the Catholic Church with which Jossy was affiliated. Regardless of the purpose, she was always a force – not in stature, but in spirit. Though petite, Jossy had a powerful presence. I was constantly in awe of her ability to engage the women in the program. When Jossy spoke with a program participant, the rest of the world receded. Jossy had the ability to create intimacy like no other person I’ve ever seen. The women were captivated and glowed after their time talking with her. 

Jossy & Participants in 2014

As the Bean Project grew, Jossy was in awe of what we were becoming. She said that when she started the organization, she never imagined it to be what it is today, she was merely looking for a way to help women gain a sense of empowerment over their circumstances by learning the skills of working by actually making a product. She told me the first time someone ordered a case of soup mix, she couldn’t believe anyone wanted so many – 12 units! When I shared that we ship pallets of soup mix (1400 units), she shook her head in disbelief.  

Treasured Traditions Carry On

Today, we continue traditions that date back to Jossy’s time at the Bean Project. Morning Meeting is a time when all staff and program participants gather to set goals, celebrate accomplishments and build community. Shared meals for birthdays, in recognition of hard work or for holidays has long been a part of our culture of combatting isolation and creating equality. Every woman’s experience at the Bean Project that combines work and life skill building dates back to how we’ve operated from the beginning.  

Jossy at Morning Meeting, 2014

We didn’t always agree. When WBP decided to work with Walmart.com on their Empowering Women Together campaign, Jossy sent an open letter to the Board of Directors in opposition. She felt that the values of our two organizations were not aligned. Having not been in involved in conversations with Walmart.com, and having only her impressions of the company to go on, I can understand why she was concerned. But as we’ve evolved and grown, we know our role is to create jobs for women experiencing chronic unemployment and poverty. And we know that sales create jobs. Though we no longer sell through Walmart.com, the relationship represented our willingness and need to find partners to help sell our products to advance our mission. Through the years we’ve grown through many, many partnerships. Once we hire the women, we can work with them to deliver program services and provide the support to teach the life and job readiness skills needed to move toward self-sufficiency through employment.  

Devoted Life of Service 

Jossy Eyre, Founder

As Jossy aged and her life changed, our interactions changed as well. She would still visit us, but less frequently. When she wasn’t able to drive any longer, she’d ride her bike to the Bean Project. Later, she had women from Sisters of Loretto join her. Or, her daughter, Tina, would bring her to us. What never changed was her commitment to the women.  

I’m proud to have the opportunity to carry on the legacy of Jossy Eyre. Many of us look around and see things we don’t like, but we don’t necessarily do anything about it. Jossy did. Not just once when she started the Bean Project, but over and over again throughout her life. Hers was a life of service and much good was left in her wake. I’m proud to have the opportunity to be the steward of her legacy. 


Tamra Ryan 

Josepha (Jossy) Eyre passed away on Monday, 20 April 2020 due to complications of COVID-19. She was 89 years old. 


9 Comments: View or leave one of your own!


  • Ruth Montoya Starr says:

    Thank you for opening up your business for the Colorado Women’s College. to tour. The mission, business model, and product were studied by us for a job well done. Peace be with you.

  • Swank says:

    Well done, good and faithful servant! Peace to your friends and family.

  • Kathleen Polly says:

    What a fabulous legacy she has left behind! I am for ever thankful that my former students were brought to see this fabulous operation. I would like to think that it has left a lasting impression on them. I know that it has for me. Continue doing the great work you do!

  • Marcie says:

    You are an inspiration to many!

  • Bett W says:

    I cook or bake Bean Project products almost weekly. I always spend a moment acknowledging the woman who packaged my soup or corn bread. Jossy’s legacy will continue. I’m so sorry she or anyone has been affected by COVID-19. I’ll be placing an order soon.

  • Jerome van de Loo says:

    Dear workers and volunteers of the women beans project. Your founder Jossy Eyre started to help women from the prison, women with children without a job. Great that the movement did become so professional. She was my aunt and she was also active in the peace movement and in the Catholic Workers movement. Continue the job with her inspiration.
    Peace and all Good,

    Jerome van de Loo from Holland

  • Laura R Fisher says:

    I just watched a tribute to Jossy on the PBS News Hour. I walked into the little store front housing the Bean Project one November day in the early 1990’s to purchase some Holiday gifts. It was that day that I met Jossy and became very active in the Project. I think she was far more interested in convincing me to volunteer than selling me product. I started spending most of my week ends entering payments and anything I could do to help the cause. I watched this small store front turn into a beautiful old Fire House. As staff grew my help wasn’t as much needed, I did spend time on the finance committee, but it wasn’t the same as actually doing the work and being along side Jossy. I still support the cause and oh what a legacy this wonderful woman has left. Jossy was a mentor and hero to me – Rest in Peace beautiful woman.

  • Irene says:


  • Barbara Jane Gauthier Kiser says:

    I’m so glad I discovered Women’s Bean Project! What a legacy Jossy left! It feels really good to know I’m helping women when I order. I like to order extras for friends to introduce them to the Project.
    Jane Gauthier Kiser