I am Women’s Bean Project: Terri

Hello, I am Terri. I’m a Colorado Native.

I first became involved with the Women’s Bean Project in July 2019. I knew of the Bean from when I was a child, and also from a good friend of mine who referred me in 2015. At this point I was already pursuing another job, so it wasn’t until years later that I interviewed at the Bean.

When I started at the Women’s Bean Project, I was homeless and in recovery and I needed a job. I wanted to start to change my life and I felt this was a program I could benefit from. Two days after I decided to become sober, I came to the Bean in hopes to get a position here. It to me was like my last chance.

My life is different today because the Bean Project helped me with my self-esteem, my self-confidence, and my courage. The Bean has taught me job skills I didn’t have before such as being part of a team and warehouse work – something I would have never thought of doing.

From financial literacy class I’ve learned how to budget my money better. I also learned how to interview better when applying for jobs. I learned about how to have and keep healthy relationships from WRAP class. I learned about eating healthier from nutrition class and started walking with the run/walk group. I feel my overall health has improved tremendously from all of the classes I have attended at the Bean.

My goals for the future are to mentor teens once I get established in my new position.  I also want to continue my education in business and marketing in the future. Lastly, I want to obtain a meaningful job that will provide financial stability and allow me to pursue other goals such as getting a stable place to stay and my own vehicle.

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