I am Women’s Bean Project: Christina

I first learned about Women’s Bean Project in 2012 while completing my community service requirement on probation. What brought me here again in 2019, was Dominque, a friend and WBP participant living at the same halfway house. She told me I would get all the things I had been struggling with at the Bean—punctuality, stability, responsibility and structure. The greatest gift of working at the Bean has been the structure and stability.

We all have our struggles, and nobody is perfect. This is a place that I feel at home and have really built my self-esteem. Part of this has come from learning how to receive constructive criticism.

My personal goals for the future are what I have right now. I want to focus on taking it day by day. I want to maintain my sobriety and provide for my family—mentally, financially and in life. They have provided so much for me and I want to give back. I also feel stronger in my recovery now than ever before.

Professionally, I want to pursue a career in caregiving and working to take care of the elderly. This would highlight my tendency to put others before me, however I am learning how to support myself first. Since putting myself first, my choices, friend group and relationships are healthier and more supportive.


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