Big Changes for Women’s Bean Project!

New Look. Same Mission.

For several months we have been talking about changes coming. At last, we have the honor of unveiling the new look of Women’s Bean Project!

When taken apart, the new logo represents the essence of Women’s Bean Project.

Every woman in our program does real work, by making our products and creating a new life.


We produce only real food, products that are simple, unprocessed and delicious.


After six to nine months, women graduate and move to real promise, a career entry-level job in the community where she can advance, prosper, and often, feel valued for the first time in her life.

At Women’s Bean Project, we believe that all women have the power to transform their lives through employment. So we hire women who are chronically unemployed and we teach them to work by making nourishing products. They learn to stand tall, find their purpose and break the cycle of poverty. Because when you change a woman’s life, you change her family’s life.


Starting this week, you’ll be seeing our new logo, and beginning in June, you’ll see new packaging as we increase our operational efficiencies and improve our appearance on store shelves. To be clear, these changes are not about vanity, but about increasing our sales in order to create more jobs and hire every woman who is ready to change her life.
For 28 years Women’s Bean Project has helped women create new lives for themselves. The ripple effect created by each woman’s success extends to her family and beyond. Even as we become more competitive in the consumer packaged goods space, we pledge to remain focused on our reason for being: to change women’s lives by providing stepping stones to self-sufficiency through social enterprise.


Thank you for your support! We really couldn’t do it without you.


Tamra Ryan, CEO


P.S. I am so interested to hear what you think about this new logo and the meaning behind it. Please drop me a line and let me know what you think.

4 Comments: View or leave one of your own!


  • Lori Warren says:

    Congratulations Tamra and WBP – it’s a beautifully authentic brand narrative, and a logo that is perfectly aligned. I know how much work went into something that seems so simple and true, so hat’s off to you, your team, and the agency (person?) who delivered on the promise.

    All the best,
    Director of Marketing & Communications

    • WBPadmin says:


      Thank you for the wonderful feedback on our new logo and rebrand. We are fortunate to have partners like REDF who believe in our mission and support the work we are doing!

  • Rebecca says:

    Congrats on the new brand! Would love to know who you worked with? Can you share the agency’s name?